Shalom & Namaste, 

Namaste:  "The god in me honors and salute the god in you", which is the HOPE of our Glory!

Now is the time for you to prosper in every aspect of your life.  Now is the time for you to produce the abundant blessings of fruitfulness in your life.  Now is the acceptable time for healing and Restoration.  No one has to succumb to the economic failures, fear, diseases or conditions now faced by the majority of humanity.   You can have all the peace, success and good health  you deserve and want right now! This is your inheritance and it is all  waiting to manifest from within you! 

Are you ready to pursue that perfect plan and purpose for your life? Are you ready to start living within the means already provided for you before the foundations of the World?  Are you ready to develop the gifts and inherit the abundant life that was Promised to you?  Our meeting is not an accident!  Our paths crossing were not by happenstance!  Many are the Enlightened One's who has come to serve humanity; to shed light that humanity may  see a clearer path towards  the highway to a brighter future!

Are you ready to move into your season? Many are past ready to move into their “now season”. Many have unknowingly obstructed the path to the open Gateway set before them because of a lack of and failure to move and grow from where they are right now. 

We would also like to introduce A DIVINE TOUCH OF AFRIKA LLC a Divine Channel of Healing designs of Ancestral Spiritual and Symbolic inspired Jewelry.

Thank you in advance for your support.  

Hotep  Light One Love!

Apostle Rubie James is now: 

El Ahora  El Bey 

Preparing Mindsets For A Higher Truth

Intuitive, Channel, Healer, Author

 Instagram: @DesignsByElAhora

 Facebook: A Divine Touch of Afrika LLC  

 E-mail: A Divine Touch of Afrika 





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